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Automatically patch your computer with every update

Editor By Bahar.Nor on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 | 5:42 PM

How long has it been since you last updated your computer? I know that more than a few of you are guilty of ignoring your computer's warnings to update.

You usually just close out those popups and continue on with your work, don't you? Listen, I know it seems like a hassle, but when you don't update right away you're leaving your computer, and yourself, wide open to attack from bugs, malicious software and hackers.

One thing that I know keeps a lot of you from updating your computer right away is that you have to individually update every program. I know I don't have time for that, and you shouldn't have to put yourself at risk because it's too much trouble to update everything.

That's why I found a program that can automatically update your software and secure your computer against malicious programs and hackers.

You should check out Patch My PC. It's a quick patch management program that updates your programs so you don't have to.

Patch My PC automatically scans your computer for outdated programs that it supports. Programs that are out of date will show up in the scanned list in red. Programs that are updated will show up in green.

Programs that are supported by Patch My PC but are not installed on your computer will appear black. You can update everything at once by clicking on the "Perform Update" button at the bottom of the window.

The Options tab of Patch My PC gives you a list of programs that you can choose not to update, as well as a long list of operation choices. For example, you could choose to check the "Restart after update operations" box and your entire computer will reboot after all your programs are updated.

The Startup tab displays programs that are scheduled to run as soon as your computer boots up. You can choose to disable or delete these programs, but be sure you know what they are before you erase them! You could wind up accidentally deleting your anti-virus, and then where would you be?

The Uninstaller tab gives you the options to uninstall programs on your computer, but again, make sure you know what these programs are before your uninstall them.

Download Instructions

To download the program, navigate to the Patch My PC download page using my blue link button below. Locate and click on the large white and gray button labeled "Download Patch My PC"

Your download should begin immediately. When the download is complete, open and run the installation file.

Patch My PC will automatically scan your computer and display the status of scanned programs on your computer. Any programs that need to be updated will appear in red, and you have the option to update everything at once by clicking on the "Perform Update" button at the bottom of the window.

Download for Windows- Free

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